What is the best computer skill for making online money?

If you're looking to make some extra cash online, the best computer skill for making online money is actually a whole combo of skills.


What is the best computer skill for making online money?

If you're looking to make some extra cash online, the best computer skill for making online money is actually a whole combo of skills. In this post, I'll explain how each of these different aspects work together and why they're important if you want to succeed as an online entrepreneur.

Web Development

What is the best computer skill for making online money?

Web development is a broad field with many different sub-fields, but it's important to know that it can be used to build websites, apps and other software. The best part about web development is that it doesn't require you to have any kind of knowledge in programming languages or databases. A basic understanding of web development is necessary to be able to build anything online—but don't worry if you're not an expert yet! The better and more in-depth your knowledge of web development the more money you can make.

Graphic Design

What is the best computer skill for making online money?

If you are a graphic designer, then you probably already know that this is one of the best computer skills. Graphic design is in high demand and has a lot of potential for growth. It's also an art form that can be used to create stuff like logos, websites and even t-shirts!

If designing isn't something you want to do full time but still want to make some extra cash on the side (or if it's something that interests you), then there are plenty of ways for artists like yourself who have been interested in this field since childhood but never pursued formal training before now:

Content Writing

What is the best computer skill for making online money?

Content writing is a skill that is in demand, and it can be learnt. If you're interested in making money online, this job will allow you to do so by creating articles and other content for websites.

There are many different types of jobs available on the internet today; however, most of them require specialized knowledge or skills that few people have access to. For example, if you want to work as an e-commerce consultant then your training would need to include learning how various aspects of running an online business work and how they affect each other—this includes things like marketing strategies and customer service practices (or lack thereof). But if all these topics seem too overwhelming for someone with no prior experience then maybe content writing might be better suited for them?

Digital Marketing

What is the best computer skill for making online money?

Digital marketing is a term used to describe the various techniques and strategies companies use to target their customers online. It can be broken down into two main categories: paid and organic search engine exposure, social media advertising, email marketing and even website design.

Let’s take a look at some of the most important aspects of digital marketing that you should know about if you want to make money from your skills:

The Best Computer Skill for Making Online Money is Actually a Whole Combo of Skills

You're probably thinking: "I want to make money on the internet. I just don't know how." The answer is simple: you need a whole bunch of skills!

You'll need to be good at more than one thing. You've got computers, so you can learn how to use them, but what about people? How do you interact with the rest of the world? Or even worse, how do they interact with you? Our best advice is this: if someone asks for your help in some way—whether it's on a forum or via email—don't assume that everyone else just wants something from them as well (even though they might). Instead try asking questions first and getting answers second! It'll help keep things flowing smoothly between parties involved in any given situation; plus it gives everyone involved an opportunity to feel valued by each other instead of feeling like someone owes them something just because they're there (which isn't very nice).

When it comes to making money online there are several important skills that can help you.

When it comes to making money online there are several important skills that can help you. The most important one is web development, but if you don't have this one down, then your other skills will be of little use to you.

The second most important skill is graphic design and video editing. This category includes things like photo manipulation software like Photoshop or Gimp, Adobe Premier Pro CC 2017 ($10 at Amazon), or any other program with similar capabilities (many of which are free).

Content writing is also an essential skill for many people looking to make money online because they need something interesting and unique written about their product/service in order for people to buy from them (which brings us back into our discussion about product differentiation). Finally there's digital marketing; this involves creating ads on social media platforms such as Facebook Ads Manager ($6 per month at Google Play) or using SEO strategies like Keyword Research Toolkit ($25 at Google Play).


We hope this article has been helpful in explaining what the best computer skill for making online money is. There are so many different ways to make money online and it can be hard to choose which one will work best for you, but by using some combination of these skills we think you'll have a much better shot at success.

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