Top 10 Best alternatives of Ahrefs For Bloggers (Keyword Research)

Ahrefs, the king of SEO tools, has been around for a long time. But there are alternatives out there that can help you with keyword research...

Top 10 Best alternatives of Ahrefs For Bloggers (Keyword Research)


Ahrefs, the king of SEO tools, has been around for a long time. But there are alternatives out there that can help you with keyword research and research on how to get more traffic from your website. Here are ten free tools that will help you check what’s happening in your niche:

Keywords Everywhere

Top 10 Best alternatives of Ahrefs For Bloggers (Keyword Research)


If you're looking for a keyword research tool, Keyword Everywhere is a good choice. It provides keyword suggestions, related keywords and search volume data for both long-tail and short-tail terms.

Keyword Everywhere also provides the ability to see how difficult it would be for your site or app to rank in Google when using particular keywords (this can help determine whether or not those keywords are worth ranking). There's also an opportunity score that shows which words have the highest potential for earning revenue from people searching on Google (and other search engines). And finally, there's rank tracking so you can keep track of how well each word is performing over time

Google AdWords Keyword Planner

Top 10 Best alternatives of Ahrefs For Bloggers (Keyword Research)

The Google AdWords Keyword Planner is a keyword research tool that helps you find the right keywords for your ads. It's part of the Google AdWords toolset, so you can use it to help identify what topics people are searching for on Google when they're looking for products or services like yours.

The best part about this free tool? It's super easy to use and comes with plenty of features that make it perfect for beginners and experts alike!

Keyword Tool

Top 10 Best alternatives of Ahrefs For Bloggers (Keyword Research)

Keyword Tool is a free keyword research tool that allows you to find the most popular words in your niche. The best part is, it's available on Google Chrome as an extension.

It's also worth noting that if you're looking for more than just keywords, then Keyword Explorer is one of our favorites because it provides data from every part of Ahrefs' suite—not just their keyword analysis tools!


Top 10 Best alternatives of Ahrefs For Bloggers (Keyword Research)

MozBar is a free SEO toolbar for Google Chrome that offers a number of features, including a keyword density checker. You can also use it to check the backlinks of a site, which will help you understand its structure and identify if there are any problems with its links. MozBar is one of the best tools available today for keyword research as well as link building.


Top 10 Best alternatives of Ahrefs For Bloggers (Keyword Research)

SerpRobot is a keyword research tool that's free and easy to use. Unlike Ahrefs, SerpRobot doesn't provide you with long-tail keywords but it can offer some good results if you're looking for a quick overview of the SERPs.

SerpRobot also has an API so you can integrate it into your own software or website.

Google Search Console

Top 10 Best alternatives of Ahrefs For Bloggers (Keyword Research)

Google Search Console is a free tool that lets you see your site's performance in Google Search results. It can be used to find new keywords, track your site's visibility, and more. You can also monitor your site's search performance, crawl stats, and more.

Neil Patel’s Ubersuggest

Top 10 Best alternatives of Ahrefs For Bloggers (Keyword Research)

Ubersuggest is a tool to help you find long-tail keywords. It’s a great resource for beginners and advanced users alike, who can use it to generate ideas for content ideas, or even just see how their competitors rank on Google.

Ubersuggest is basically an extension of Neil Patel’s other tool, Ubersuggest Pro (which costs $19 per month), which uses data from Google Trends to give insights into what topics people are searching for online at any given time—including the ones you should be focusing on as an entrepreneur or business owner!

Top 10 Best alternatives of Ahrefs For Bloggers (Keyword Research) is a free tool that helps you find new keywords for your website. It allows you to find related keywords, keywords with high search volume, keywords with low competition and more. also lets you find keywords that are new, popular, and trending.

BuzzSumo's best feature is its ability to display the most popular content from any given day. This helps you keep tabs on what's trending, and it also gives you insight into how often your competitors are sharing their posts. For example, if they're not using any social media platforms at all then maybe it'd be wise to take advantage of that by creating a new strategy that focuses solely on these channels insteadYou can use this tool to find keywords based on a keyword, topic or website. You can also use it for your competitor's website and get an idea of what they're ranking for in search. is a great alternative to tools like Ahrefs, SEMrush, Moz and Majestic SEO..


Top 10 Best alternatives of Ahrefs For Bloggers (Keyword Research)

BuzzSumo is a social media tool that allows you to find content that is popular on social media. It's not as sophisticated as Ahrefs, but it's still a great tool for finding content ideas and sharing links with your audience.

BuzzSumo allows you to easily view the most shared posts across all of your favorite sites, including Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Google+ (and more). You can also see how many times each post has been shared by clicking on it in the list above—this will tell you if there's any potential for growth in its popularity!

There are lots of tools out there to help you with keyword research.

There are lots of tools out there to help you with keyword research.

Most of them are free for a limited time, and some are free forever. Some of these tools also have paid versions that cost money, but they're still worth checking out if you need more advanced features or want to test different filters in your research.

If you've ever used Ahrefs, then you know how powerful it can be in your SEO efforts. With its keyword explorer tool, Rank Tracker feature and other useful tools, this is one of the best tools out there for finding keywords. One thing to keep in mind though - some of these free alternatives have limited keyword data available.


There are many tools out there to help you with keyword research but we’ve narrowed it down to the top 10 free alternatives of Ahrefs:, BuzzSumo, Ubersuggest, SerpRobot, Google AdWords Keyword Planner and Neil Patel’s Ubersuggest. We hope that this list has helped you find the perfect tool for your needs because once you have access to these tools they will take your SEO game up a notch!

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