Want to delete an Instagram account without the password? Here's how to do it. (2021)

My Helping hand 4U : how to delete instagram account permanently without password, You decided to clean up your social media accounts for some.....

How to delete instagram account without password 

How to delete instagram account without password


You decided to clean up your social media accounts for some reason. You may not find it useful to upload so much personal information and share it with the world and potentially nosy neighbors. Or maybe you just don't use your accounts that often, and you've made up your mind to do so. erase them forever. You may want to open a new account. Or maybe for some reason. In any case, sometimes it's a good idea to leave everything out completely and start over. But what can you do if you want to delete your old Instagram account, and you don't remember the password? Well, there is a solution. 


 Usually, you have to sign in first to delete your Instagram account. You can see this would be a big problem if you couldn't remember your password. Before doing anything else, I suggest that you try out all of your old passwords (that you can remember) and see if any of them work. If that fails, we recommend that you use the Instagram account recovery page. Instagram can send a message to the email account you used earlier first, create your account (assuming you are not connected to your Facebook profile). 


How to delete instagram account without password

How to delete Instagram account without a password

  1. Open the Instagram application on your phone. 
  2. On the login screen, tap "Forgot Password". 
  3. Select "Username" or "Email" and enter your username or the email address you used when you created your account. 
  4. Press "Search" in the upper right corner. Tap "Send Email" to renew your password. 
  5. Tap the link in the password renewal email you received from Instagram to create a new password. 
How to delete Instagram account without a password

 Access Instagram via Facebook 

Note: This option is only available if you have previously connected your Instagram account to Facebook.  

  • Instagram account to Facebook.
  • Open the Instagram application on your phone.
  • In the login menu, touch Forgot Password.
  • Select "Username" or "Email". And enter your username or the email address you used when you created your account as described in the instructions above.
  • Press "Search" in the upper right corner.
  • Tap Renewal on Facebook.

If you haven't signed in to Facebook yet, you'll be prompted to do so. Instagram shows the account that was last connected to your Facebook account, and it gives you the option to create a new password. 

 Access Instagram by phone number

  • Open the Instagram application on your mobile phone and select "Forgot Password"
  • Press the "Phone" option. 
  • Enter your phone number. 
  • Click the "Send registration link" button. Link in your phone's inbox. If you click on the link, you will be redirected to the Instagram app.
  • Write the new password that you made and verify it when Done.
Tags - how to delete instagram account without password, how to delete instagram, how to delete your instagram account, how to close instagram account, how to delete an instagram account, how do i delete my instagram account, deleting instagram account without password, how to delete instagram account, how to delete instagram account without password, how to delete instagram account on iphone, how to delete instagram account on iphone 6, how to delete your instagram 

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